Results of Budget Vote and Board Election

Results of Budget Vote and Board Election
Posted on 05/22/2024
Results of Budget Vote and Board ElectionVoters in the Elmira City School District approved one proposition and elected three candidates to school board seats.

Budget Vote Preliminary Results | 2024-2025 Budget Proposition

Proposition #1: Approval of the District’s proposed 2024-2025 General Fund Budget of $150,716,226: Passed
(Yes 669 = , No = 186)

School Board Preliminary Results

*Voters also elected three candidates to serve on the Board of Education. In the running were: Michele L. Johnson, Michael S. Hamilton, Michael A. Thomas, William J. Finnerty and Gerald A. Holleran.

Three seats are for three-year terms, which will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027. Below are the candidates receiving the highest number of votes:

Jerry Holleran - 559
William Finnerty - 517
Michele Johnson - 503

Michael Thomas - 383
Michael Hamilton - 362

*ALL RESULTS ARE PRELIMINARY FIGURES | Official Election Results will be certified on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.