March 2024 Shout-Outs

Express Shout Out

Express Shout-Out Goes To: Tonia Billbe
Submitted by: Keary Miller


"Tonia Billbe and her class took on the Sphero Indi Nationwide Challenge. The Sphero Indi cars are the little cars students program to follow a path. It is a great way to incorporate basic computer programming, problem-solving and collaboration among students. The students had to design, program, and build a path for their car to complete. Along with building the path and coding, there were other tasks they were required to perform. Some of these tasks were going through tunnels and changing the design of their car midway through the challenge. Tonia submitted the final project on 2/14/24. Tonia also invited parents in for a family night to see the final project and had a wonderful turnout! The students and parents worked together and coded and problem-solved making a path. The parents were very impressed!"