November 2023 shout-outs

Express Shout Out

Biz Hart

Express Shout-Out Goes To: Biz Hart, RN at Diven
Submitted by: Kristie Pound

"I wanted to pass on to you a Kudos for Biz Hart. We are so thankful for how she treats the kids in our classroom. She is so patient and creative with them. Yesterday we asked her to come to our room twice to check out a student who had been having a rough day. The kiddo was not having it, but Biz got so creative with him, asking about his dirt biking muscles, getting under the table with him, pretending to sit in his chair and anything just to get a good look at him. Without her, things would have been much more difficult. She is also great when he does not want to take his medications at lunch time, she can always get him to take them. Just wanted to make sure to share our genuine appreciation for her."